Your Life at JCH

Janet Clarke Hall students take their academic life seriously, and are encouraged by the College and by each other to achieve their full potential.

Our excellent resources and people allow us to pay personal attention to our students, and to foster a culture in which a busy extracurricular life encourages, rather than detracts from, outstanding results.

We asked our students to share some of the varied ways you might wish to get involved in College life. Here's what they had to say:


Join a JCH sporting team and play against the other colleges. Whether you have played soccer for years or want to try badminton for the first time, there's a lot of fun and games on offer - and if sport isn't your thing, you can always cheer along your mates from the sidelines!                                                                                                                                  


I think it’s cool that the Student Club is an independent body, has control over its committees, and that we have so many opportunities to lead. I am on two committees – environments and ball committee – and it has given me the chance to get involved, learn new skills and contribute to college life.                                                                       

betty wilmot study image

Everything is on tap in College – tutors, study spaces, text books, and we have access 24/7. I also like that we can change up where we study – from the light filled library surrounded by beautiful old books to the modern tute rooms in Henderson House overlooking the courtyard.

Get Outside

I love sitting out under the trees in the courtyard, either for study or to take some time out. It's just a fantastic space to find yourself after a busy day at uni. Plus there's Princes Park just across the road if we want to play an afternoon game of soccer or frisbee.                              

Speak up
Speak Up

With the Mid-Winter debate, the Oratory competition and Wintersong, I've had so many opportunities to put myself out there and improve my public speaking!                                                                                                

Get Fit

With our MU Sport membership we have access to the pool, professional gym equipment (upgraded in 2024) and all of the group classes from yoga to Bodypump. A bunch of JCHers often walk down together to try out a new session.


Partying with friends is good fun - the student club often organises events with special dress up themes from '1920s' to 'superheroes'. I love that moment when everyone gets into a particular song, especially the fresher dance.                                        


The quality of food and the atmosphere at our big dinners is amazing. There's something special about putting on an academic gown and dressing up for special events.                                                                     


I don’t feel any pressure to conform at JCH, which is pretty refreshing. I really appreciate how open-minded everyone is and that discussion of varying ideas is totally accepted.                                                                 


Sitting down with friends at breakfast is such a lovely way of starting the day. Coming back to JCH for lunch is also so convenient and it breaks up my long uni days with some laughter and socialising.                      


We are pretty privileged in College, so it’s great to give something back to the local community, and to remind people of good causes – be it helping kids learn to read at the local primary school, or dyeing hair for cancer research.

Dress Up

The big events we have are fancier than usual, so it's fun that we all get a bit more hyped about dressing up for it.                                                                                                                                                                              

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I love being able to play at dinners knowing that everyone is going to cheer me on. Other students have also been really creative with what they showcase, from slam poetry to original songs.


There is nothing like sitting in my own room by the open fire. It's great on a cold Melbourne evening, especially when my friends come over to drink tea and make s'mores.                                           


It feels so special to be part of a lifelong community. JCH has over 5000 alumni, and many of them support current students with early career advice and internship opportunities. I can't wait to give back to the College when I start my professional journey too.

Be Inspired

'Thursday Night Forums' in the SCR are the best! From Rhodes Scholars to famous authors, I am so inspired by the guest speakers that join us each week. I love that students get the opportunity to not only hear from them, but share conversations, ideas and passions as well. 

kim and lizzy play

I didn’t do any acting at school, but at JCH I tried out for a lead role in the annual Play, got it and enjoyed every second of it.  The amount of talent in this place is incredible.                                                                                            


I love our super small College tute sizes, and knowing my tutors care about my learning. From composing and anthropology to calculus and immunology - they'll have you covered. Requesting a one-on-one consult is also great for when you need extra support with tricky concepts or approaches to upcoming assessments.                                                                 


Moving into JCH, I had no idea how many soft skills I would develop or how many connections I would make with alumni. As a first year, the workshops in "Step Up Week" are invaluable. Looking ahead after I graduate, I feel a lot more confident about my job readiness and employability.

Get Published

There are heaps of opportunities to flex your creative muscles and publish content in our Tiger Lily Rag and Luce publications. Plus living alongside our Artist in Residence, Alice Pung, is truly amazing - she is an invaluable mentor!

Student Calendar

Here's a sneak peak of what our students get up to outside of their studies:

  • Welcome Week: meet the College, Uni and City
  • Wintersong: arts and music festival, but fancy
  • WineSoc: wine and cheese is just the beginning...
  • Burn the Bales: 'Amazing Race' style fun
  • Royal Variety: a talent night with wholesome vibes
  • Festival of Chimney Sweeps: s'mores by the fire
  • Literature Dinner: bookclub ft. meet the author
  • Leadership Dinner: seriously impressive keynotes
  • Mid Winter Debate: Undergrads vs Grads and Tutors
  • IpDip and JCR Parties: dress up and have a boogie
  • JCH Play: a theatre production for all skill levels
  • Clubbers: twice weekly 9pm sweet n savoury snacks
  • Super Clubbers: like Clubbers, but MANY SNACKS
  • Floor Parties & Tutor Events: tea, games, crochet...
  • Thursday Night Forums: fireside chats with guests
  • Commencement & Valedictory Dinners: speeches!
  • JCH Annual Ball: a night of gowns, tuxes and dancing
  • Jaan's Farm: a country Victoria roadtrip adventure

Each year the JCH Student Club Executive and Sub-Committees may also run events and projects that they are passionate about. There are also plenty of Intercollegiate events incluing: 15+ sports for all genders; battle of the bands, Step Up (dance comp), ICAC Musical, Soiree, Lip-Dub, Trivia, Theatresports, Dinner Swaps, Leadership Training, Pride Picnics, Sustainability Initiatives and heaps more.

Student Committees

Here are some of the leadership and service roles students can get involved with at JCH:

  • Student Club Executive
  • Ball Committee
  • Bike Rep
  • Burn the Bails Committee
  • Choir
  • Council Observer
  • Environments Committee
  • Food Committee
  • Footy Tipping
  • Disability Rep
  • DJ
  • High Table Performances
  • IT Committee
  • LGBTQIA+ Committee
  • Library Rep
  • Magazine Committee
  • Play Coordinator
  • Respect Taskforce
  • Social Services Committee
  • Sponsorship and Promotions
  • Student Photographer
  • Student Videographer
  • Welcome Week Leader
  • WineSoc

Each year there may also be opportunities to be part of staff and student co-led working parties for issues the community is passionate about from wellbeing and respectful relationships to increasing opportunities for inter-cultural connection and education. Find out more about these roles at one of our Open Days or Webinars.

Degree Specific Experiences

Life at JCH is rich and varied with students studying all types of degrees at Unimelb (and RMIT/Monash Pharmacy). Check out our Life at JCH video series to hear from current students about their degree specific advice and experiences of living in college. Visit us for a tour and meet students in similar degrees.

VCA + Fine Arts

Respectful Relationships

Among the first tertiary institutions in the world to accept women into residence, Janet Clarke Hall has long pioneered fair treatment and equal opportunity. The College is strongly committed to ensuring that all its members, guests and visitors can enjoy an environment that is safe and free from danger and risk as far as reasonably practicable. This commitment extends to creating and maintaining a safe culture and environment for all Under 18 persons. Sexual harassment, discrimination and bullying are not tolerated in our community and complaints will be dealt with sympathetically, seriously and in confidence in accordance with our policies.

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Our College is situated on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation, whose stories, educational practices and connection to Country are part of the world’s oldest living culture.  We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land, and pay our respects to Elders past, present and those emerging in our community.

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